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The student news site of St. Edward Central Catholic High School

The Edge

The student news site of St. Edward Central Catholic High School

The Edge

The student news site of St. Edward Central Catholic High School

The Edge

Photo Courtesy of link.

Maddie Pogorzelski, Staff Reporter

Maddie Pogorzelski is both excited and nervous tobe a part ofThe Edgeand the Yearbookstaff this year. She is looking forward to learningthe behind the scenes work that goes intoproducing a newspaper and yearbook and using her artisticskills to help benefit the class.Maddie takes part in many extracurriculars like volleyball,bowling, softball, Art Club, andMini Golf Club. Maddie doesn't normally get a lotof free time because of all the sports sheplays but when she does she likes to hang out withher friends and family and bake. MaddiePogorzelski lives in Elgin with her parents, sister,grandmother, and her two dogs, Gus andFiona.

All content by Maddie Pogorzelski