Drones Take to the Skies
Drone flying the skies.
There is one more occupant in the skies lately, thanks to a great technical engineering feat. These new-to-the-market drone air-crafts have a multitude of features, which include the ability to film and photograph, deliver goods, map routes, and provide plain old wholesome, flying fun. Drones are being using for much more than a delivery service replacement, something many people think of when asked about the role of drones in the world today. They are being also used in search and rescue missions, aiding in film making, for agricultural management and wildlife protection.
Of course, there are rules and regulations for drones. Some examples of these rules are that drones must be kept in the line of sight of the pilot, drones cannot carry more than 55lbs, and maximum altitude for these flyer cannot exceed an altitude of 400ft. Despite the rules, there has been some controversy surrounding the use of drones.
Many say that these machines are an invasion of our personal privacy, as a person, organization, company, etc. Because some drones are built with cameras for visual and audio recording, people will always have the option of abusing this equipment. This is unsettling and may leave people feeling paranoid about being filmed or recorded. “We don’t want people to fly them and take pictures in people’s windows,” said insurance director, Larry Stephens, who is concerned about privacy on the campus at Indiana University, as reported by JGIndiana.
Advances in technology are a critical part of our world today, but are these advancements worth it with the possibility of less privacy and safety? Also, what rules could be set forth or added to protect ourselves and others, when newer technology gets released? These questions will be at the forefront as the technology advances and drones become more common in our neighborhoods.

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