Senior Wills


Nina Filippi, Managing Editor

A few members of the Class of 2023 have some things they’d like to leave behind for the underclassmen.  Here are the senior wills of 2023:

“I, Morgan Sajtar, leave Robby Sommer my parking spot on Mosely Street.” 

“I, Jason Garcia leave Jillian Garcia, Lucy Foy, and Sarah Foy the clown car, be safe and use your horn often.

“I, Ava Pfeiffer, pass down my precious uniforms to Alexa Griffin.”

“I, Michael O’Brien, would officially like to hand over my nickname, ‘Money Mo’, over to Matthew Morrice.”

“I, Joseph Johnson, leave the Divine Mercy Ministry to whoever is willing to take it.”

“I, Michelle Ortega leave Morgan Lutzow our basketball mom bag that I forgot I got last year.”

“I, Lenore McBean, leave Lucy Foy, Maddy Freeman and Taylor Petro the legacy and creativity of my silly spirit week costumes.”

“I, Brandon Franczak, leave the responsibility of hiding the Grinch in Ms. Bühler’s room to Joshua Pottorff and Joshua Schelonka.”

“I, Morgan Sajtar, leave Caleb Groves my seat in the back of the volleyball bus.” 

“I, Jason Garcia, leave Robby Sommer my position on 2 person math team, you and Potts can get on the podium without a doubt.”

“I, Ava Pfeiffer, dedicate my experience and talent in musical theatre to Lilly West.”

“I, Joseph Johnson, leave afternoon announcements to Potts”

“I, Lenore McBean, leave my fabulous morning announcements to Lilly West.”

“I, Morgan Sajtar, leave Josh Pottorff extra batteries for his calculator.” 

“I, Jason Garcia, leave Jillian Garcia all of my notes and wisdom of high school. You probably won’t need them, you’re the smartest person I know, but they’re there in case. Stay off the streets, don’t do drugs.”

“I, Joseph Johnson, leave all the bad dad jokes to whoever has survived listening to them.”