Finally back in person: Fine arts fest

Maddie Pogorzelski, Staff Reporter

For the first time in two years, St. Edward is hosting their Fine Arts Fest. It will take place in the large gym on April 24th from 3-6 P.M. It is an art showcase featuring art from all of the students that are involved in an art class as well as performances from Mr. McLoughlin’s music department. When asked why we have the Fine Arts Fest, Ms. Kessuvan, the art teacher, says, “We do it because St. Eds has always valued the work of their students.” She is excited because this is the first art show she gets to curate for the school and wants to make sure it is perfect.  

The students have had all year to prepare for this and all of their art pieces are put into consideration. They must choose a couple of pieces of art out of their finished works to show off to their peers. The area will be set up with the musical performers in the middle of the gym and the art hung and placed all around the room. There are going to be several surprise guest judges and students will be able to be awarded. The juried show is a fun way to get the students excited about the art fest. Senior Ella Novotny has commented on what she is looking forward to during the festival saying, “I’m looking forward to seeing the other artists work and seeing how Ms. Kessuvan and her other students organize and present their art.” With Fine Arts Fest quickly approaching, the students and teachers taking part are all preparing their final critiques on their work. The students have put a lot of time and effort into the work they are going to show off and are looking forward to sharing it with everyone.