School updates cafeteria

Rachel Hernandez, Social Media + Yearbook Copy Editor

The school and cafeteria workers are replacing their gooey chocolate chip cookies with healthier options. 

Over the years at St. Edward, parents and teachers have been complaining about how many unhealthy options there are instead of healthy. This imbalance has caused the school to take action and remove the delicious chocolate chip cookies students love. Cafeteria Dan originally wanted everything to be vegan but the school stopped it from going that far and decided to just get rid of the popular cookies. 

Instead, the school decided it was best to change the cookies to whole wheat oatmeal cookies without the chocolate chips. This change will take action at the start of May to end the year healthy. Although students have been complaining because of the obsession with how good these cookies are, the school is now taking action with healthier options.  This is a hard time for seniors especially considering they can never have a taste of these cookies again at St. Edward. Senior Maggie Garcia says “ It’s unbelievable that they are taking away the best sweet to buy at lunch. Those cookies were my favorite.” 

The school apologizes for these changes but also says it’s also for their own good and health. They are trying to satisfy students with “ just as good” sweets that they hope the students will still love and enjoy.