Student council week 2019
With the school days winding down, the fun is just starting to begin! Student council week is only two weeks away and this year student council has got a lot in store for us! Since the start of second semester, student council has been putting together the week everyone has been waiting for.
Monday, April 29
The week starts off with a dress down day. During student council week dressdowns, there is a theme for the day. Monday’s theme has not yet been revealed by student council.
Tuesday, April 30
Tuesday is a dressdown (not yet be revealed). We end the day with the famous talent show. Here we see the many ‘talents’ the St. Edward students and even faculty have. You will be surprised as to see who walks up on the stage.
Wednesday, May 1
We have all school mass and honor the Mother Mary with ‘May Crowning” ceremony within the mass. This is a SENIOR only dress UP day. Ten seniors will have the privilege to be in the May Crowning ceremony.
Thursday, May 2
Thursday is the day that everyone waits for. It’s field day and the famous 3v3 tournament! With the 20 minute classes, everyone anxiously waits for the final bell to ring. As the 3v3 tournament takes place in the football field parking lot the field will have bouncy houses and bags. There will also be food provided and a Cona Ice Truck will be there! Regular dress down.
Friday, May 3
NO SCHOOL! Prom for junior and seniors will be held at Brookefield Zoo. Reminder that all attending Prom need to be at St. Ed’s at 3 p.m. NO LATER!
- Dress code (provided in the student handbook) is expected to be followed for all dressdown days, no matter the ‘theme.’
- You must tryout for the talent show. Times for tryouts will be announced later, so listen carefully to the annoucements.
- Wednesday is a SENIOR only dress up day. All other classes must be in uniform.
- 3v3 teams need to provide a team name to student council by Thursday, May 2 for the bracket.
- Friday NO SCHOOL and Prom for those who purchased tickets.
*This article is to be updated as new information about Student Council week is given.

Your newest Editor-in-Chief and three year veteran for the newspaper, "The Edge." Making my goals happen on and off the soccer field/basketball court....