Target Run

Photo from with prices of the items shown.

With spring break only 10 weeks away, every high school girl knows that they are going to be making their annual Target run to select a new swimsuit. This year, many might be surprised when they find themselves not only looking at swimsuits, but also looking at clothing.

I admit, I have been a Target addict for quite some time. My “quick Target runs,” usually involve me spending at least an hour walking around the store looking at everything. My “I only came for one item,” quickly turns into me walking out with two shopping bags full of every kind of item.

Like any high schooler, I am way to eager for spring break to roll around, so I made my annual spring break swimsuit trip only to walk out with every article of clothing other than a swimsuit.

Target has always had cute clothing. It has always had clothing items to look at and sometimes try on, but it never had anything special. On my recent Target run, I have found this to NOT be true anymore. It seems as if out of the blue, Target has updated all their clothing brands. When walking through the Juniors’ section, I saw something for every style from nice sweatpants to dresses. Even if you happen to dress more on the “old school” side; Target has it.

Even as the clothing styles has seemed to upgrade, the prices have not necessarily changed. For a pair of jeans, the price range is between $28-$24. A nice sweater or blouse is from $22-$15, and a t-shirt or legging is between $12-$8.

Personally, as a shopper who has been to many different stores, I believe that Target is offering you great material for a good price. Just like any store, Target has nicer options than others, so yes those options do cost more. Overall, you are paying a fair price for good quality clothing.

I encourage that the next time you go for a “Target run,” you stop by the clothing section and see what new clothes Target has to offer. I promise you that your “I only came for one item,” will turn into you walking out with a few new articles of clothing!

Happy Target Run!