Catholic Schools Week 2016

Catholic Schools Week is right around the corner, from January 31st to February 6th. This week is packed with fun activities such as a guest speaker, pancake breakfast, and spirit wear dress down day!
Monday, February 1
To start off the week, Monday is crazy sock/tie day. It’s a normal schedule and students must wear their normal uniform, but the crazy socks and ties add a fun twist.
Tuesday, February 2
Tuesday is another normal schedule and normal uniform day but make sure you arrive early for a FREE pancake breakfast. Down in the cafeteria before school there will be pancakes, sausage, oranges, and milk.
Wednesday, February 3
Wednesday is another normal uniform day but it is a “C” schedule with a guest speaker, Joe Plazak, an alumnus of St. Edward. Also, exclusively for Seniors, Wednesday will be a dress down day for donating the most food to the NHS Food Drive.
Thursday, February 4
Thursday is a normal uniform day but we have an “A” schedule. We have Mass, but it’s not just any normal Mass, it’s the Mass when we welcome all the 8th graders from our feeder schools. So bring a smile and show them how great St. Edward is!
Friday, February 5
Finishing off Catholic Schools Week, Friday is both a dress down day and a unique schedule. It’s spirit wear day so all students can dress down in green and gold. It’s also a “C” schedule. To end the day we have an assembly/pep rally about winter sports along with a skills competition.

Kyle Brown is a writer for The Edge. In his spare time he binges out on Netflix and enjoys destroying his foes on the tennis court.