Holiday Helpers

Taylor Petruczenko, Yearbook Editor-In-Chief

With the holidays approaching, the season of giving is upon us. People always say to during this season we should give back to those around us, but what does that truly mean?  Well, there are a lot of different things that you can do to better the world around us, but volunteering is one of the best ways to express your gratitude and help those in need. There are many ways to volunteer, ranging from helping at a food pantry to taking a few minutes to pick something out to donate to Toys for Tots.

Statistically, more than 38 million people in the United States experienced hunger in 2020 and some of those people even died due to these circumstances. It is the mission of Food for Greater Elgin (FFGE) to help by providing food and security to the community to stabilize lives. When volunteering with FFGE, volunteers assist those visiting through every stage of their shopping experiences. They help maintain our warehouse, register clients, sort, and repack food products and provide support. You must be at least 12 years old and anyone under the age of 18 will need a waiver signed by a parent or guardian. To volunteer with Food for the Greater Elgin, click here.

Millions of people go long periods of time without food, not because there is not enough, but mostly because they don’t have access to it. This is where Feed My Starving Children comes in. Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is an organization that has provided food for more than 100 countries since 2009, and they will not stop until ALL are fed. FMSC has a location in Schaumburg where you can sign up to pack bags with different types of grain that will be delivered to countries in need. There are many different packing times that vary depending on the day so that everyone can have a chance to make a difference. To start volunteering with Feed My Starving Children, click here.

While everyone should at least consider volunteering for some sort of charity, some people may not have the time to commit to something that lasts very long. That’s why some organizations have smaller, less time-consuming ways that you can help. Such as Toys for Tots, Adopt a Family, and the St. Jude Children Hospital Fund. Toys for Tots is a toy drive done to help families who can’t afford Christmas gifts have something to give to their kids. All you must do to participate is buy a toy and drop it off in a local Toys for Tots Toy Drive Box that can be found with a quick Google search. Adopt a Family has a similar concept, but instead of random gifts, you buy a specific gift that the family you are shopping for requests. Many churches put up giving trees during the holidays, so next time you’re at church check to see if there is a giving tree up. The St. Jude Hospital is a non-profit hospital proving cancer treatment for about 8,600 children a year, and they need the help of others to keep the organization going. If you are looking to donate, click the link here.