It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Catholic Christmas Traditions Trivia!
December 3, 2020
The day we all have been waiting for since January 1st, 2020: Christmas! As December 25th is a day that is counted down to by almost everyone, do you know the true Catholic traditions behind it?
December 25th is not the most important holy day in the Church year. In fact, Easter is, but Christmas is still important since it celebrates our Savior’s birth. The Church season that Christmas falls in is Advent. Ms. Adams states, “Advent not only prepares us to remember and celebrate Christ coming the first time as a baby over 2,000 years ago, but it is also meant to prepare us for Jesus’ return, his second coming.” Many children believe when they are young that Santa is the main celebration of Christmas, but for Catholics, it is the birth of Jesus Christ that we should be celebrating.
Christmas always falls on December 25th no matter what day of the week it is. Christmas this year falls on a Friday. Christmas is celebrated exactly 9 months after the feast of the Annunciation. The feast of the Annunciation falls every year on March 25th and focuses on when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her God had chosen her to be the Mother of His son and she conceived Jesus. Even though the day of the week Christmas falls on does not matter, it does sometimes change the way the weeks of Advent work out. Ms. Adams shares, “In 2017, Christmas fell on a Monday and the 4th Sunday of Advent was the Sunday before that, so it made Catholics obligated to go to Mass two days in a row.” One thing regarding days of Christmas that many people get confused is when the true 12 days of Christmas begin. The 12 days of Christmas are the 12 days after Christmas ending on January 6th, the Epiphany.
Although Christmas is truly a whole season in the Church and typically ends with the feast of the Baptism of the Lord which this year is January 10th, sometimes everyone still wonders how long is too long to keep Christmas decorations up. The joy of the celebration of Christmas is too short for just one day, so keeping your decorations up until around the Epiphany or the Baptism of the Lord makes sense. In the past years, the Vatican has kept their Nativity scene up until February 2nd, which is known as the feast of the Presentation of the Lord.
Even though this December 25th may look different for you and your family this year, maybe you could look further into all the feast days that are celebrated through this joyful season. As Mass may look different and Churches have different service options, one thing remains the same: the celebration of God giving us His only begotten son, Jesus Christ.
Thank you to Ms. Adams for providing us with all you know about this Christmas season.
Please fill out this form for a chance to be entered into our Christmas raffle for a prize of a $20.00 Amazon gift card! The winner will be announced Wednesday, December 16th.