Leaders of the pack: The executive board
November 23, 2020

Meet your Student Council President for 2020 and 2021 Luke Sauceda. Luke is a very hardworking student who has been on Student Council since he was a sophomore. Luke excels at getting his point across, he is always ready to fight for the things he wants. Luke would like to make many improvements to the school including but not limited to pushing to either stay hybrid or try to go back full time, making some much-needed improvements to the gym, updating/renewing the banners in the gyms for our sports, and maybe hanging up more retired jerseys. Luke is an overall fantastic choice for Student Council President. Some interesting facts about Luke are he is a self-taught bass player, and his favorite food is grilled cheese.

Meet your Student Council Vice-President for 2020 and 2021, Mia Castro. Since her first day here at St. Edward, Mia has always looked up to the upperclassmen and now that she is one herself, she hopes to lead the school in a new and better direction. With her 3 years of experience, she knows how things work but more importantly how to relate to the student body. Some interesting facts about Mia is she likes to listen to Christmas music in October and her favorite foods are mac n’ cheese and sushi.

Meet your Secretary of your 2020-2021 Student Council, Jase Leonard. Jase has been on Student Council for all four years and is looking to make an even bigger difference this year as part of the executive board. She is a very hardworking student who wants to make St. Edward a better place for both the faculty and staff. One of her goals this year is to get feedback from the student body to try and improve student life. She chooses the secretary role because she excels at keeping things on track and organized. Some interesting facts about Jase is she loves to travel and her favorite candy is dark chocolate.

Meet your Treasurer of your 2020-2021 Student Council, Izzy Kirkwood.