Interact Club
Here at St. Edward’s we have many clubs. They range from speaking foreign languages to reading books! One club that has caught the eye of many is the Rotary Interact club. This is only Interact’s second year of officially being a club and it has already made a difference in the community around us.
Rotary is the international service organization who puts service to others above self. For the first 50 years Rotary was a club only for adults, but then in the 1960s it was introduced to teens as Interact. Now Rotary sponsors more than 15,000 Interact Clubs in over 142 countries. Teens all across the world have been serving their community by volunteering and making a difference for over 50 years.
Interact club at St. Edward’s organizes 2-3 major projects with various other little projects a year. Some examples from last year are the executive team put up the mural of “Hate has no Home” in the main entrance. They collected supplies for the Ecker Center for Mental Health. They made goody bags for the children’s ward at Sherman Hospital and made blankets for Anderson Animal shelter.
“Interact is a great way to give back to a community that has given so much to you. Honestly, service work is one of the most important parts of developing a strong moral character. The leadership opportunities are really exciting!” said Mrs. Woj
If you haven’t already joined please sign up and experience the great opportunities Interact has to offer! Our mission is to put service above self in all that we do.

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