Hoco 2018
2018-19 Student Council members
September 7, 2018
As Summer closes to an end and it is already the second week of September homecoming week begins! Get ready for the St. Eds 2018 homecoming week by hearing what we have in store for you this year! Homecoming week starts off on Monday with a dress down that will be Seniors and baby’s day! Where students will either dress up as a baby or a senior citizen for the school day. Next on Tuesday the students will be participating in Country Club vs Country day where students will either be sporting a preppy Country Club outfit or Old Country Folk gear. Wednesday will be interesting because we will have students participating in decades day. Later that night seniors will come back to the school to participate in senior movie night! Obviously students of each class will wear apparel from their decade. While on Thursday the students will rep meme day which the name in itself explains it as well as class shirt or color day where you can wear the class shirt or your classes color if you missed the homecoming T-shirt. Finally Friday will be green and gold day while all St.Eds student athletes may wear their jerseys as well as green and gold for other students. Another exciting event for Homecoming week is Powderpuff. Practices will be held during the week while the games will actually be on Thursday come out and support your class!
A final note is that the hall decorations will be put up on Sunday by the students at 1pm. Decorations will also be in correlation with each classes theme. Well one thing is for sure Homecoming 2018 is sure to be a blast!