What’s Sewing On?
Mrs. Tabbert’s 3rd period sewing class threading their machines.
October 23, 2017
This school year, St. Edward gave the opportunity to all students to take Fashion Construction as one of their elective classes, making it the first year freshmen are allowed to take this course. Mrs.Tabbert, St. Edward’s 2017 Gregory the Great distinguished faculty award winner, is the Fine Arts department chair and teaches Fashion Construction as well as Culinary Arts and Interior Design/Child Development.
On the first day of Fashion Construction class, better known as “Clothing”, Mrs. Tabbert said, “It gives everything you make and design a deeper meaning since you made it on your own. You can hand-make a gift and give it to someone and know that you did this all on your own.”
Fashion Construction allows students to develop an individual working style and displays samples of their skills and what they made throughout the school year. All of the students’ work will be on display at the Fine Arts Fest on April 29 from 3-6p.m. at St. Edward— located in the main gym. At this showcase, students display and “walk the runway” with all finished products along with a clothing garment that they have put together to present, with a partner, in front of a crowd for an oral presentation.
Fashion Construction is a unique elective because of its hands-on learning tactics. Unlike most classes, you are graded based on your work ethic and the amount of effort you put in, not just for having the right answer. In this class, you get to keep and use everything you make. Mrs. Tabbert’s main goal is to help students succeed in fashion design. Due to the amount of effort and work that is put into their projects, there is minimal work assigned outside of the sewing room. Sew on, students!