It all started the year of 2023. Sam Pogorzelski and Courtney Kaye were laying on the bathroom floor taking pictures for the local Edge website and out of nowhere a draft appeared and the lights turned off. They didn’t know what it was and just assumed it was nothing. The draft slowly got more and more intense and soon after, it stopped. The bathroom was quiet and dark; Courtney and Sam still had yet to figure out they were being watched by Sophia the St. Edward ghost.
Sophia was a student from St. Edward back in the 1990s and was coming back to scare away the current students. While at St. Edward, she got caught with her phone in the senior bathroom and has since haunted everyone alone in there. Soon after Sam and Courtney finished taking their picture, the door to exit was locked and there was no other way out. All of the sinks turned on and the lights started to flicker. After some terrorizing from Sophia, Courtney and Sam finally made it back to class and started telling Mrs. Schmidt what happened. Mrs. Schmidt didn’t believe them and told them to get back to their articles.
Later that same day though, Mrs. Schmidt had a similar experience to Courtney and Sam and then called them down to the office. This situation was far too much for the 3 girls, so they made a call to the local Ghostbusters team. The Ghostbusters came in no time and worked their magic on capturing Sophia. Sophia was finally stopped and finally taken away from scaring away the future kids of St. Edward. Sophia may eventually escape from the Ghostbusters, so just watch out for the ghost of Sophia next time you come to St. Edward.
This article is part of a Halloween series and is not intended to be taken seriously.