NBA superstars used their fame as a platform to send an important message at the ESPYS. Occurrences like this are becoming increasingly common and for good reason.

Players Doing More Than Just Playing

Athletes are able to reach hundreds of millions of people. Children idolize them, and many adults do as well. When athletes talk, the people listen. Sometimes that’s not a good thing, such is the case with Derrick Rose who cannot seem to attend a press conference without seemingly admitting guilt to his pending rape trial. However, more often that not, an athlete’s fame allows them to relay a beneficial message. The perfect example of this is how a quartet of NBA superstars gave a moving speech at the ESPYS about gun violence and the call to do better. The NBA has done a fantastic job of addressing uncomfortable situations. The League moved the upcoming All Star Game from Charlotte to New Orleans due to North Carolina’s laws being unjust toward the LGBT community. Even if you don’t agree with the messages the NBA and its players are sending, it is incredibly admirable to see them have the courage to put their publicity to good use. This coming NBA season should bring about many more opportunities for players to continue to do this.

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